Thus says the LORD: “A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more.”
— Jeremiah 31:15-17
Anyone in this world with any sense of right and wrong is horrified and sickened by the bad news coming from Israel; news adding great grief to the already disturbing and deadly reports regarding the October 7th massacre. The grotesque and heartless murder of the two Bibas children has stunned us all—especially those who have been praying daily for the hostages taken on that terrible day.
Israel has also survived the attacks from neighboring hostile nations bent on their annihilation. We praise the LORD for, in these last few hours, miraculously protecting His people from the terrorist attacks that were planned against them. In the days ahead, may we all be in prayer for all that is happening-and will continue to occur.
It seems to us that the word we quoted from the prophet Jeremiah is being played out in our day. **History doesn’t repeat itself—but it does come around again. Dear friends, we are living through historic and tumultuous days; days that prophetic voices deem a ‘kairos moment,’—which I simply describe as a time which, after it is over, historians can attach a title to—such as ‘The Holocaust.’
October 7th is this generation’s ‘holocaust’ experience and Rachel is, again—as she has so often through her history—weeping for her children. As we weep with them and—yes—for ALL who have suffered in this season of evil being perpetrated through those inspired by the ‘evil one’ himself—let us mourn with them.
“Comfort, yes, comfort my people!” Says your God. “Speak comfort to Jerusalem.” (Is. 40:1+2) These words from another prophet, Isaiah, are heaven’s instructions to us in this hour. There are still hostages who need to be freed; there are still dangerous people planning evil deeds. Perhaps shedding tears and offering prayers is all folks such as we can do. If that is true…we join with you in doing just that. We will weep, we will pray, we will help your people in any and every way—until the ONE who IS the WAY returns to bring peace to Israel—and to the world.
To the broken hearts of God’s people, Jeremiah adds a word of hope:
‘“…they shall come back from the land of the enemy. There is hope in your future, says the LORD, That your children shall come back to their own border.” (Jer. 31:16+17) In that same spirit of longing for a safer world, a happier time, a safer place—Jewish ‘psalmists’ from our day have put into song the promise expressed in the words of our ancient prophets. All will be well for the LORD’S people—‘somehow, somewhere, someday.’ And we know when that day will be; the day Israel says: ‘Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai’—‘Blessed is He who comes in the NAME of the LORD!’ “Amen. Even so, come, Lord YESHUA!”
Blessings and Shalom-Marty+Jenny